Sneakers for the Stock Market

Sneakers for the Stock Market

New York - When a fashion and lifestyle company and a stock market expert join forces, it's hard to imagine what the result will be. Born Originals and Markus Koch prove that you can create something exciting together.

Sell? Hold? Risk or rather the safe option? Tens of decisions are made every day on the New York Stock Exchange. When the opening bell rings at nine in the morning, there is one person who always keeps an overview of the whole 'chaos': Markus Koch. The German has been a stock market journalist on Wall Street for decades - for n-TV and Handelsblatt, among others. To offer his community a special product with context, he has now brought Born Originals on board. Together they designed the Wall Street Sneaker, which will feature the most important attributes of the stock exchange. "When contact was made and we discussed the initial ideas, I was immediately enthusiastic," says Markus Koch.
For the campaign, a three-person team from Born Originals flew to New York to shoot photo and film footage for it. Melvin Lamberty, founder of Born Originals, comments: "The trip to New York was a highlight for us. We are very excited about the cooperation with Markus and are sure that his community will be thrilled!"
A taste of the sneaker, which is limited to 200 pairs, will be available on November 21st in Markus Koch's livestream, which will feature Melvin Lamberty among others.
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